DoubleScroll is a shareware product. You may try it out for 15 days. If you like it, please send me $7 and I’ll send you a registration code to register your copy. If you do not register it within 15 days, reminder messages will be displayed when you start up.
All About DoubleScroll
DoubleScroll is a combination Extension/Control Panel which alters the way your Macintosh scroll bars look and act. Basically it puts a double arrow on each end of your scrollbars, allowing you to scroll in both directions without having to move your mouse from one end of your desk to the other to scroll back and forth. It works in both System 6 and 7, but it is really designed to take advantage of the color scheme of the System 7 interface. In fact, this text block has a DoubleScroll scroll bar on the right, whether or not DoubleScroll is currently loaded. Try it out!
Though the idea of double-arrowed scroll bars is not new, I decided to give it a new twist with System 7 and make them look identical to the standard scroll bars when displaying in color as well as black and white. They look like genuine Apple-issued scroll bars. So they’ll blend right in with the rest of your interface without standing out and looking odd. If you change the color scheme of the windows with the “Color” Control Panel in System 7, they’ll change with the rest of your decor! These are scroll bars the way nature intended (and Apple should have supplied). When space starts to get tight, you will notice that the scroll bars will lose their double nature and revert to the normal way of doing business, just to give the thumb (the little box) a little breathing space. You can set the distance at which the scroll bars revert to single arrows in the Control Panel if you don’t like the default setting.
DoubleScroll was tested on a Mac II with a PowerCache accelerator under System 6, and also in both 24 and 32 bit addressing mode under System 7. It has also been tested on a PowerBook 140 and a Mac SE for good measure.
NOTE: Because DoubleScroll has two arrows at each end of the scroll bar, this may cause problems when using it with macro recorders which simulate page up/page down clicks in the scroll bar. Instead of clicking page down, it may decide to scroll up because the up arrow is where there is normally gray fill! Don’t you hate when that happens! Since I do not have any macro programs, I can’t be sure of the results. Any feedback you could give me would be appreciated.
DoubleScroll also supports balloon help under System 7, so if you feel like playing around, knock yourself out!
A Facelift
You may notice that the icons and DoubleScroll logo look a bit more polished. They've been given new life by Andrew Wynn of Ideas... Ideas... is capable of creating virtually any kind of artwork of the highest quality. They specialize in screen-resolution PICTs, as well as icons for applications, Control Panels, and extensions, with animation if desired. For more information, contact:
attn: Andrew Wynn Rouse
609 N. Midvale Nº1
Madison, WI, 53705-3226
phone: 608.695.1766
FAX 608.231.9920
And now back to our program, already in progress...
Version History of DoubleScroll
Version 1.0 - Original Release
Version 1.0.1 - Fixed Color Picker incompatibility problem
Version 1.1 - Sped up scrolling, added ability to add incompatible apps and to change threshold, fixed problem drawing non-standard sized scroll bars, ala Navigator.
Version 1.1.1 - Fixed ClarisWorks problem. This version was never fully released.
Version 1.1.2 - sped up drawing again, fixed missing arrow problem, fixed incompatibility with Apple’s “Scrolling” Control Panel.
Version 1.1.3 - Fixed nasty system 6 problem, fixed problem with Excel 4.0’s Help system, added “254” highlighting, fixed another ClarisWorks problem, made startup icon come up in a really cool way.
Version 1.1.4 - Fixed REALLY nasty bug which stops computer dead in its tracks with an unimplemented trap error. Dumb, very dumb.
Installing DoubleScroll for the First Time
For System 6 users, drag DoubleScroll into your System Folder. For System 7 users, DoubleScroll should be placed in your Control Panels folder, located in your System Folder. To do this the easy way, simply drag DoubleScroll to your System Folder. A dialog box will come up asking you if you want to put it in the Control Panels folder. Just click OK and the system will put it in the right place.
Once in its new home, you need to personalize DoubleScroll. If you do not personalize it, you won’t be able to work the control panel, and the DoubleScroll will not load at startup. If your running System 6, select the Control Panel from the Apple menu and find DoubleScroll in the list of icons and click it. In System 7, open the Control Panels folder and double-click the icon. DoubleScroll will come up and ask you to personalize it with your name or company name. After personalizing it, DoubleScroll is all set to run. Just close the control panel and restart. It’s that simple!
NOTE: Holding down the Shift key during startup will stop DoubleScroll from loading.
Upgrading from a Previous Version
If you currently have a previous version of DoubleScroll, you must first install the new version as in the above instructions. The system will ask you if you wish to replace the older version, click OK.
VERY IMPORTANT - In an attempt to discourage hackers, version 1.1 and beyond require a different registration code than 1.0. If you are upgrading from 1.0, just let me know via e-mail or regular mail and I will send you a new registration code immediately. If you have 1.1 or later already, no new registration code is needed.
Controlling the Control Panel
DoubleScroll has seven buttons in its control panel:
Use DoubleScroll: Click this button to use DoubleScroll’s scroll bars the next time you restart your computer.
Don’t use DoubleScroll: Click this button if you don’t want to use DoubleScroll’s scroll bars the next time you restart.
Show DoubleScroll’s Icon at Startup: If this button is checked, DoubleScroll will display its icon when your computer is booting. If it is unchecked, the icon will not be displayed.
Help...: Click this button to show the very text you are reading now.
Register...: Click this button to register your copy of DoubleScroll (see below).
Bad Apps...: Clicking this button brings up a dialog box allowing you to tell DoubleScroll which applications don’t like us.
Threshold...: Clicking this button brings up a dialog box which allows you to set the distance at which DoubleScroll stops showing double arrows and switches back to single arrows. It defaults to 160 pixels, and cannot be set below 80.
All options require you to restart your computer before they take effect. Sorry.
Registering DoubleScroll
DoubleScroll is not free. You are allowed to use the product for 15 days, after which you should either throw it in the trash can (bad choice) or register it (good choice). If you do not register, a message will come up each time your computer starts up stating that the 15 day trial period is over and to please register your copy. After registering, you are entitled to free updates to the program. If you are a registered user, you do not need a new registration code UNLESS YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 1.0. If you are upgrading from 1.0, you need a new code. Just let me know you have the new version and I’ll give you a new code immediately.
To register your copy, first you need to tell me that you have it. Click the Register... button in the control panel. This will bring up a dialog box giving the address to send your payment of $7. After I receive your payment, I will immediately send your registration code, which will prevent the reminder messages from appearing. Just enter it into the spot in the Register dialog box and you’ll be cookin’!
NOTE: CompuServe users can GO SWREG to register their software without resorting to mail.
This software may be freely distributed via electronic bulletin boards, user groups, and person to person. When being distributed, all accompanying files (README, Registration Form, etc.) are to distributed with the main program WITHOUT EXCEPTION. DoubleScroll is not to be included with any commercial software or any public domain/shareware package sold for profit without proper written consent from the author. So there.
Lawyer talk
Believe you me, I really hate saying that stuff! It makes me sound stuffy! I’m really not that bad...really!
Reporting Problems
I would really love to believe that DoubleScroll is bug-free; but as we all know, there is NO SUCH THING as bug-free software. If you do encounter a problem with DoubleScroll, too just kidding, what I trying to say is if you do find a problem, I really want to know about it. I want to stomp on every bug in the program until it’s dead. Like really dead, with intestines hanging out and all squishy, you know?
When reporting a problem, please let me know the system software version, the name and version of the application that DoubleScroll doesn’t like, along with EXACTLY what the problem is and how it is caused. The more information I am supplied with, the easier the problem is to solve. I don’t have every version of every piece of software written, so I may need your help to stomp the bug.
To let me know, just E-mail me on CompuServe or AOL, or just send plain ol’ mail.
Feedback please!
If you have any question, comments or suggestions concerning DoubleScroll, feel free to contact me on CompuServe (71141,3477) or America Online (ISYSDev). If the US Postal Service is your bag, send mail to:
Edward Voas
81 Dean Avenue
Smithfield, RI 02917-3628
I’d love to hear from you, and I hope you enjoy DoubleScroll!